Sem demagogias e com um discurso politicamente (in)correto, esta secção tenciona apresentar de uma forma clara e objetiva o que de mais marcante se passa na nossa micro esfera política: a FCM-NOVA.

Anne Dejean-Assémat

PML Nuclear Bodies and SUMO in Cancer Born in France, Anne Dejean-Assémat studied at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, where she earned...

Mukesh Jain

Crippling Cardiometabolic Disease with Krüppels Dr. Jain is Director of the Case Cardiovascular Research Institute at Case Western Reserve University.  He graduated summa cum laude...

Robin Warren

Helicobacter pylori and its Role in Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease Dr. Warren graduated M.B., B.S. from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1961. After...

Ada Yonath

From Basic Science to Improved Therapeutics Born in Jerusalem, Professor Ada Yonath studied at the Hebrew University, Israel, earned her PhD from Weizmann Institute of...

Richard Roberts

Bacterial Methyloma Dr. Richard J. Roberts is the Chief Scientific Officer at New England Biolabs, Massachusetts. He was educated in England, attending the University of...