Inicio REVISTA iMed Conference 8.0

iMed Conference 8.0

The iMed Conference® 8.0 is not an ordinary conference to learn what is known for a long time, but to be inspired by the minds of those who changed the medicine they have previously learned. They are the artists who make the difference, because they create Medicine. Watch and read closely, and be driven by their inventiveness. For four astonishing days, they will be your teachers. Learn through creativity and their motivational stories on how to make a difference, on how to create medicine. Be inspired by the art of Medicine.

iMed Competitions | Lisa Sanders

Born on the 24th of July 1956 in the USA, Dr. Lisa Sanders is a board-certified internist at Yale-New Haven Hospital and teacher at...

iMed Competitions | Maria Leptin

The Innovate Competition is an yearly iMed Conference® designed to promote and award the work of young scientists, both in basic and translational research. Thanks...

Entrevista com Sonia Trigueros

Sonia Trigueros é investigadora no Oxford Martin Institute of Nanoscience for Medicine e no Departamento de Física, na Universidade de Oxford. Actualmente, está a cargo de...

Entrevista com Cecilia Götherström

Cecilia Göthersström é Professora e Directora do Programa de Doutoramento em Medicina Regenerativa no Karolinska Institutet, dirigindo também o Banco Nacional de Sangue do Cordão...

A Tale of Two Systems

A 43-year-old man, employed in food-industry, presents (in a primary care unit) with complaints of diffuse abdominal pain, involuntary loss of 7kg in 6...