iMed Conference 8.0

The iMed Conference® 8.0 is not an ordinary conference to learn what is known for a long time, but to be inspired by the minds of those who changed the medicine they have previously learned. They are the artists who make the difference, because they create Medicine. Watch and read closely, and be driven by their inventiveness. For four astonishing days, they will be your teachers. Learn through creativity and their motivational stories on how to make a difference, on how to create medicine. Be inspired by the art of Medicine.

Scientific Lecture | José Oliveira

Over one century ago, Russian immunologist Élie Metchnikoff deduced that a healthy gut environment could help combat senility and suggested that the good bacteria...

Keynote Lecture | Sir Roy Yorke Calne

Sir Roy Calne was the father of immunosuppression in transplant patients, having developed the drug regimens needed to make the grafts last. These protocols...

Scientific Lectures | Gunnar Gouras

Professor Gunnar Keppler Gouras received his Bachelor of Arts and Science in Biology and later his MD degree from Columbia University in 1989. He...

Scientific Lectures | Thorsten Barnhofer

Professor Thorsten Barnhofer is a German Research Foundation Heisenberg-Fellow currently working at the Charité Clinic and the Freie Universität in Berlin. He is also...

Scientific Lecture | Fran Balkwill

Frances Balkwill was born in 1952 and spent her childhood in south-west London. Years later, she obtained a BSc in Cellular Pathology at the...