Scientific Lectures | Ivanka Savic-Berglund MD PhD
Professor Ivanka Savic-Berglund teaches neurology at the Karolinska Institute, the same university where she graduated in Medicine and where she earned her PhD researching...
Humanitarian Lectures | Interview with Tawfik Chamaa MD
Deliberate attacks on medical facilities run counter to the Geneva Convention, which explicitly designates hospitals as protected areas. Nevertheless, medical infrastructures continue to be...
Humanitarian Lectures | Tawfik Chamaa MD
"From Treating the Human... To Care for Humanity
- A UOSSM Story"
Dr. Tawfik Chamaa, MD, graduated from Geneva University in 1985 and afterwards specialized...
iMed 9.0 | Resumo do Dia (Sexta-Feira)
O iMed Conference 9.0 teve início esta sexta-feira, após 2 dias de workshops, com uma cerimónia de abertura que contou com a presença da...
iMed Conference® 9.0 | Launch Event
O tão aguardado evento de lançamento da iMed Conference® 9.0 decorreu na passada terça-feira, dia 16 de Maio, na Sala dos Actos do edifício...